Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Final Writing Exam

3. The advantages of GM foods are greater than the disadvantages. Agree or disagree and explain why.

Genetically modified food has been the subject of lots of debates for months. Us consumers here about it every single day whether it’s on the news or the newspapers. Everything is about food. But one particular issue we all wonder about is if the disadvantages of GM foods are less superior to the advantages. In this essay we will figure out if there are more advantages.

First of all the GM (genetically modified) food are safe. They are highly tested, follow the guidelines and must be approved by Canada Health to be on the market. All the tests are related to chemistry, molecular biology, toxicology and many more. It is also checked for potential long term health trends. Furthermore it could prevent undernourishment in others countries who truly need a supply of food because the “world population has topped 6 billion people and is predicted to double in the next 50 year(1)”. This matter could be a big problem and, without the technology of GM foods, how could we provide enough food for the whole world. Using this technology allows more productivity. As well the GM crops are able to be tolerant to harsh locations. So that it could be a lot easier for farmers to produce GM foods in many places. Moreover GM foods offer nutritional substance. For example with the “golden rice” that contains vitamin A that prevents millions of Asian kids to going blind.

Besides, there are others good aspects of GM foods. The crops we use to create GM foods are strong enough to be resistant to herbicide and pesticide. In addition to that, it could avoid severe damages on the environment because if a plant becomes more and more resistant to chemicals it will decrease the utility of it. On that same aspect, GM plants have also a positive impact on the environment. “Plants such as poplar trees have been genetically engineered to clean up heavy metal pollution from contaminated soil(2).” These GM plants can have a helpful affect on the groundwater pollution.

To sum up, of course there will always be a lot of controversy regarding GM foods. But GM foods could answer to the problem of starvation and malnutrition. It also has a constructive impact on the environment. The food is extremely supervised on the testing. The world can’t ignore all that technology could bring and all the benefits of it.


2- ibid.

398 Words

Monday, November 30, 2009

Course 3 : Reading comprehension course 2 – structure

1. Interest Level: This course a lot more practical than they others courses. This course on reading comprehension really gave me good advices. And it made me understand some things and made me realize that there’s many ways to structure a good text. I really liked that course.

2. Difficulty: It wasn't difficult at all. The course was simple and the course was well structured.

3. What I Learned (3):

- By using transitional words and phrases, which signal a move from one idea to the next, are transitional words that keep these events linked together in chronological order. Any logical paragraph would sound awkward without transitional words to guide the reader. The chronological order in a text is essential because especially with procedures. If you don't use a chronological order, you won't get the results you desire.

- People remember most what they learn first and last in a given session. I learned about a special technique when you build an argument: the "snow-ball effect". It's about organizing ideas by order of importance. It's to start with what's least important and head on with what's most important. Like a snowball it's getting more and more important. In order to convince your point of view on the reader (even if it's controversial) you have to finish with the most important point so that it would bring a bigger impact on the reader.

- And there's another structure that is often used: the compare and contrast technique. They compare and contrast aspects that must be comparable or parallel. When an aspect is discussed, that same aspect of another subject (whether it is similar to or different from that subject) must be discussed. This connection of the aspects is vital for the compare and contrast technique for a fair contrast. And it must have a point.

4. My score: I got 17 out of 25.

5. Course Rating: I give a 9/10 for this course only because it was very helpful. I understood many others ways to structure a text.

Course 4 : Vocabulary & Spelling 2: Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes

1. Interest Level: I was fascinated by all the stuff I learned. It helped you increasing your understanding and figure out difficult words. Even with the most complicated words the course gave you tools to discover and reveal it's the meaning.

2. Difficulty: It wasn't difficult to follow and to comprehend. And still the exercises were quite supportive to help you understand the whole purpose of the course.

3. What I Learned (3):

- Sometimes you can recognize the sound of a word and still not understand what it means. So you have to look at the word's structure. Check if the word or a part of the word sound or look familiar. You can connect a part of a word to some other word you already know. You may hear words that are not in your vocabulary but identify them as being related to words you do know. Like for example the roots of words will give you clues about other words that share the roots or "family" of the word you know.

- An association with the meanings suggested by some prefixes can help you add to your reading, speaking, and listening vocabularies. And it would be a lot easier to distinguish complicated words by already knowing several prefixes.

- Adding a suffix often changes the function of the word in a sentence without necessarily changing the word's meaning. The suffix it's like a uniform that a word wears for a particular job in the sentence, just like you wear different outfits for different activities. But you have to be aware and make sure you know what the changed word means.

4. My score: 33/50 Some words were rough to figure out. But with practice I will be better.

5. Course Rating: 9.5/10 With the giving practices in the course I was able to increase my vocabulary and understand unfamiliar words. And it gives you constructive guidelines to truly help you grow your language like this one "You may already know a given root that can guide you in determining the meaning of an unfamiliar word. If you don't know the root by itself, you may recognize it from a word you know. By association, then, you link the known meaning to that of an unfamiliar word". I truthfully appreciated that course.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Position Statement

I'm a neutral in this affair.

There is a shocking high level of unemployment in Chile. The mine company Barrick Gold will sooner or later bring more jobs to the citizens. However that doesn't mean that everyone can be in this company. Only qualified and people with the right skills can be accepted has employees for the company. And this project will eventually take property out of people that were working the land for centuries. There’s a lot of other issues that should be

The entire world is based on the economy whether we like it or not. Even if we refuse the project, but in time another company would probably do the same. It's a never ending story. There will always be companies that will search and fight for natural resources such as mining. Mining was and still is the primary strength of the economy of Chile. So it’s hard to figure out whether we approve or not the project regarding the importance of the mine.

Sure it will take a long time to extract the gold out of the mountain (estimated period of time of 20 years), but after that what will happen? The majority of the Chilean is living thanks to the water supplied by the glacier. But what if the water gets so contaminated that it would be impossible to use it? These are big issues that shouldn’t be unheard.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Card role play

Title of special interest group: Minister Secretary-General of Government
Your name: Juanita Rivalora
Biographical information (CV)

My Life, my history: I was born in 1969; I’m now 40 years old. I'm from Chile but my parents decided when I was a kid to come live in Canada, precisely in Quebec.

Your Personal Job and work experiences: The Minister Secretary-General of the Chilean government at that time was a good friend of my father. By seeing all my school history he offered me his help so that I could be elected has a depute for the government. And when he retired I was proposed to take his place, and since I’m now the Minister Secretary-General.

My schooling information: So I’ve been to the College Laval in Laval for my high school. Then I went to Dawson College for a DEC in social science. After that I went to Mc Gill University for the Law program where I had my Master’s degree. Then I decided to do a doctoral program (PhD) in Political Science. After my degree I decided to go back in my own country.

Your achievements in life: When I had graduated from McGill and Concordia. When I took the job of Minister Secretary-General. And I've been married with my man for almost 15 years. We have 4 children.

Your abilities and competencies: I'm a very noble person. I work hard for my country. People know that I have my rightful place in this government.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mid-term Writing Test


Having a good sex life is one thing that everyone wishes to achieve with a partner. Everybody wants to be satisfied sexually. But sometimes when people aren't with someone some of them usually satisfied themselves with pornography. Is it normal to watch pornography? With my english classmates we decided to do a survey on pornography. Our method is based on questions that will help us find out if our hypothesis is right or wrong. We wanted to know if college boys think that pornography is normal and that girls think that pornography is harmful.


First of all our methods were quite simple. We asked easy question such as “yes or no” questions. These questions we’re very useful to help us discover our hypothesis. We also asked people their point of view on what is pornography according to them. Moreover we invited them to tell us their opinion on if it was normal that people watch pornography and they had to explain why they we’re thinking that way. We wanted as well know if college students were open-minded or close-minded talking about pornography with others people like parents, friends and partners. This issue really gave us a good idea of our hypothesis because it reveals if they’re comfortable with this particular subject. Another amusing question we posed was if they caught someone watching pornography how they would react. Therefore these were all interesting questions we had to ask to help us get our answer to our hypothesis.


With all our questions related to our supposition we were able to respond to our hypothesis. It was incorrect because we noticed that girls think that it’s typical too to watch pornography. However when we asked the girls if it’s normal the only thing they didn’t understand is why people are watching pornography. But girls say that there’s nothing wrong with watching pornography. Besides most of the female students we’re open-minded talking porno with people (partners, friends) and even some of them we’re indifferent discussing this topic with their parents. Nearly everyone – including boys – would be ease to watch pornography with their love partners. In addition, before we could guess our final answer, one particularly helpful question was if they would judge someone that watches pornography and the majority of both sex said they wouldn’t.


Finally most of the college students thought that watching pornography it’s ordinary. It is something usual that everyone – at least once in their life – would experiment. Nonetheless if it becomes an obsession and frequently consumed well now it is a problem.

426 Words

Monday, October 5, 2009

Learning Express Library

Course 1.
Fundamentals of Writing 1: Prewriting

1. Interest Level: This course was very interresting and useful. I'm so pleased that I took the course. The fact that the course gave good examples and comparisons makes it a lot more easier to understand and to follow. The course shows you how to do the right writting process and to have a good way to structure your text.

2. Difficulty: Some of the exercises were more difficult than others, but they were well explained. But I was very surprised about the practices I had. It was so useful and it was about brainstorming exercices. Now I finally learned how to do brainstorming the good way. The course give a lot of tips to be able to start a text, or to find thesis,
3. What I Learned (3):
- Rule number one for brainstorming is, "Never stare at a blank piece of paper." If you look at nothing, you will think about nothing, and that will get you nowhere.
-By writting down a list of words, by doing free writing, asking questions, or clustering are all ways to get ideas of subject, topics. I had some useful tips for writting.
- "Write as quickly as possible and don't stop to worry about spelling. When the timer goes off, stop writing." That tip for brainstorming is so awesome and I can use wherever, whenever.

4. My score: 74%

5. Course Rating: 9/10 This course was so beneficial, helpful and it's something that I learned that I would always use in everyday life. Thank you Learning Express Library.

Course 2.
Vocabulary and Spelling course one:

1. Interest Level: That course was pretty intriguing because it helped you to figure out unfamiliar words from the context. By looking at the words and the context you can guess the meaning of the word. This course is suppose to improve vocabulary and spelling abilities. And it's surely helpful that I took this class.
2. Difficulty: It wasn't difficult at all. But one thing that I didn't really like is that we use the same words through all the exercices of each section of the course. So I kind of knew the meaning of the words. But the class is very simple to understand.

3. What I Learned (3):
- That there are three ways to learn vocabulary: from the sound, the structure and the context of the word.
- I learn a way to find the meaning of new words by dividing into syllables and it can help me recognize words.
-I learn that the sound of new words is important to someone who wants to learn a new language.

4. My score: 35/50 the test was a little hard. But I passed the test.

5. Course Rating: 7/10 the class was alright. Nonetheless sometimes it was difficult to find the meaning of the word because some of the questions there wasn't any context. But it was a great course.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sentence Variety

Sentence = Independent Clause (Sub./Verb/Obj.) LEAP pp.30-31

Example: Our cegep has many good students.

1. A) Using a phrase phrase + I.C. Example: In 2009, our cegep has many good students.

phrase : is a time phrase.. group of words without verb

1. B) I.C. + Phrase Example: Our cegep has many good students in 2009

2. A) Using a Dependent Clause with subordination conjunction: D.C./ I.C.

Example: Since our cegep offers many excellent programms, it has good students.

Why it is a D.C.: Because it's not a complete idea.

2. B) I.C./D.C. Our cegep attracts mostly francophone students while Vanier draws mostly allophone ones.


- If you were just a little more faster, you would win the race.

- Whether you like it or not, we are going camping all together.

- He was so a happy person until that day came along.

- You could go far in this sport unless you quit.

3. Combine an I.C. and a I.C. using coordinating conjunction

Example: Our cegep has a fantastic cinema program, and many graduates go on to successful careers.
..., but it is not as good as Vanier's program.
..., so there is much demand.
(There's a coma because there's TWO I.C.)


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

10 Collocations in Sentence

Do business: This is how we do business in this country.

Break a record: Alex needs to work hard if he wants to break a record.

Go deaf: If you don't lower down the volume of your radio, i'll go deaf.

Get married: Did you know that Carl and Vanessa are getting married?

Take a break: Malcolm looks tired, he should take a break of work.

Make room: Make room for that poor lady, she's sick.

Pay attention: Shut up and pay attention to the road!

Catch the flu: Marty couldn't come today, he caught the flu.

Keep in touch: Even if we are far away from each other we should keep in touch.

Come to an end: This fight between you two should come to an end before a slap you both.

10 prefixes

1. Dis- not, opposite of Example: disloyal, disagree

2. mid- middle Example: midlife, midterm

3. Out- better, faster, longer, beyond Example: outreach, outcome

4. Over- too much Example: overreact, overrated

5. Post- after Example: post-election, post-graduation

6. Self- self Example: self-sufficient

7. Step- family relation by remarriage Example: stepbrother

8. Un- not, opposite of Example: unnecessary, unequal

9. Under- below, beneath, lower in grade/dignity, lesser, insufficient Example: underachieve, underground, underpass

10. Inter- between, among Example: interstate, interact

Friday, August 28, 2009

Wiki Quiz
What is the Learning Express Library?
- It's a Language Learning Library with self-learning tasks.
Where is Mr. B's office?
- C-150
What percentage of the course is reading and listening worth?
- 30% each
How can I communicate with Mr. B through this Wiki?
-By posting a question in the "discussion" section. Or by posting a comment.
What are Mr. B's office hours?
- Monday 12:00 - 4:00 / Thursday 3:00 - 4:00
What is the 48 hour rule?
- If someone missed the exam, that person has 48 hours to meet the teacher and to set up a date to do the exam.
What is the first assignment?
- Write a classmate profile based on the GAINS profile.
What is ELLLO?
- English Language Listening Lab Online
How can I use the discussion forum?
- By choosing a Category name and clicking on one of the subjects.
Do you have to go to the Grande Bibiliotheque to register?
- I don't think so.. but it's a lot more easier just to go to the Grande Bibliotheque to register.
How many ways can I contact Mr. B.? Name one.
- By email.
How many pages appear when you type "grammar" in the "Search this site" box?
- one page with 10 items.
What is the name of the class textbook? Do you need to buy it?
- LEAL : Learning English for Academic Purposes.. Yes we need to buy it.
How many items are there in the "Writing Correction Code"?
- 25 items
Write two questions you have about the course.
- I don't have any question.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fred's profile

I met Frederic in Mr­. Bonkowski's english class and I honestly liked to had that chance to know him a little bit better, he's a very nice guy. Fred studies in music, especially in classical percussions. For his short term goal, Fred would be willing to successfully play his instrument. Has his intermediate goal, he would really like to get through his studies and his long term goal is to achieve a music program in universiy and to be able to teach music and use it to heal people.

His achievements are that he has won many contests, such as group or individual contests. Some of Fred's interests are drum and bugle corps (he went all over america to participate in competition) and he likes spirituality, working out, reading books and writting because he’s always seeking for the right meaning of the words in the dictionnary . Most of his social network is in Valleyfield, Beauharnois and some in Montreal. Finaly, Fred has special skills, such as controlling the rythm in any kind of percussion. He also have great skills in helping people in french class and teaching others how to play with drum sticks.

So that was the profile of my new friend Frederic.